The Media Goofs Again
Irresponsible reporting abounds. Just examine this recently reported story about the economy. On April 22nd, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) announced its outlook on the world’s economy. They stated that they believe the world’s economy will contract by 1.3% during 2099. This is a REDUCTION from their earlier estimation of 1.8%. In other words, this is good news! Further, they stated that 2010 is expected to be flat (i.e., not a decline). Again, good news. On April 23rd, however, a very well-respected radio news program reported this story. With a neutral tone they reported the IMF’s statements, even that their projections had been revised downward. They ended the report with a negatively toned voice about 2010 being flat – as if they were somehow disappointed that the world economy would not be bustling with a 5% economic increase. But here is the real story. By later that day, the afternoon companion of the radio program stated something to this effect:
The International Monetary Fund projected the global economy to shrink by 1.3% during 2009. This is the most severe recession since World War II.
Unbelievable! There was no mention of the IMF’s downward revision, nor any mention of the World Economic Outlook’s (WEO) statement that a slow recovery is expected to take hold next year. In my mind, this is irresponsible reporting. Not something I would expect from a respected news source. Bottom Line: Most media is feeding us negatively slanted stories. Don’t eat it up. Look for pragmatically positive viewpoints. Think strategically. Stay positive!
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