Leadership Simplified: Doug Van Dyke

Leadership Blog

Peer 360 Reviews

A terrific performance feedback tool is a Peer 360 Review. During the process of the Peer 360 Review closed-ended and open-ended information is gathered from the subject of the review, their peers, their superiors, and their direct reports (if they have direct reports). The Peer Review process can be used in a variety of situations: Prior to engaging in a coaching and development program; if the team member desires to raise the bar; if there are issues stirring in the workplace; or simply as part of the annual review process.


For more information about the details and nuances of the Peer 360 Review process contact Leadership Simplified today! 

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2011-05-29 at 09:45 AM
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Leadership is about Serving, Not Being Served

During a recent meeting, Chuck Bengochea, the CEO of The Honey Baked Ham Company made a very interesting comment. He said: “Your core values are your corporate DNA.” In other words, your company core values should be imprinted on everything from your processes to your product. Chuck went on to share one of his company’s core values: “Leave the company and the brand better today than it was yesterday.” This comment challenges leaders to be stewards of their company’s brand – I like that. As the meeting came to a close Chuck shared one last pearl of wisdom: “Leadership is about serving, not being served.” This comment ties directly to the concept of servant leadership, whereby we as leaders honor our team members by serving their needs and growth potential.


What are your core values or thoughts about leadership style? 

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2011-05-27 at 08:53 AM
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Out of Town Meeting? 3 Things to Keep in Mind

You are heading out of town for a big meeting. Maybe it is with customers or prospects, or perhaps it an internal company meeting. Nevertheless, there are at least three areas that you should think strategically about prior to your departure.   

  1. Agenda – If at all possible, YOU should create the agenda. Seek to craft a time-sensitive agenda that meshes with the deliverables you are hoping to achieve during your meeting(s). In addition, be aggressive with regard to insisting that key decision-makers and influencers attend appropriate meetings. Nothing wastes more time than traveling a great distance, only to meet with lackeys who will “convey” your message to the right people (and, more than likely, misinterpret your message it in the process).   


  1. Attire – Dress similarly to what your hosts will wear. Keep in mind that one person’s “business casual” does not mirror another’s. For example, one client may interpret business casual as dress slacks, a button-down and a jacket, while another may view it as jeans and a nice shirt. Make certain you gain clarity on appropriate and accepted attire.


  1. Attitude – Even though you will be a guest, seek to embrace a host-mentality. Do not walk around like you own the place, but seek to make your customers, prospects, or colleagues comfortable with you, the agenda, and the desired results. In the process, you will become comfortable in a foreign place.


Let me know some other best practices that make your out of town meetings successful.

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2011-05-26 at 06:05 PM
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