Leadership Simplified: Doug Van Dyke

Leadership Blog

Leading In an Internet-Driven World

Ponder the Internet for a moment. Most of us enjoy or utilize the Internet quite a bit. We zip around credible and non-credible websites gleaning information and being entertained. Our Internet experiences are a crush of activity as we blast through electronic kudzu to mine nuggets of stuff we need or will use or do not need or will not use. Our focus and our attention ping-pongs from article to article, website to website, topic to topic. Our frenetic pace and zigzags of thought, however, are unfortunately a microcosm of how we live and lead in the workplace. In short, our Internet behavior mirrors our work-life behavior: fast and unfocused. Without realizing it, many leaders are no longer leading. Rather, they are caught up in the frenzy of the workplace as they attempt to multi-task and believe that it leads to greater productivity.


Here is my tip to leaders: Relax, take a breath, and focus. Realize that frenetic behavior leads to disconnected results. So think strategically about what you wish to accomplish. Attempt to be consistent in your leadership approach. Your calm and path-driven approach will have a delightful byproduct – a calm and path-driven team.       

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2011-02-28 at 08:29 AM
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