Leadership Leverage – Vertical and Horizontal
By Doug Van Dyke, Leadership Simplified, www.leadershipsimplified.com
Successful professionals are interested in growing their careers. This can be a very positive trait, as long as they are interested in growing the careers of others in the process. On occasion, professionals grow their careers at the expense of others. This hurts team morale and creates ill will in the workplace. Other times, as professionals grow their careers, they do not stay connected with former direct reports and peers. Instead, they push former colleagues to the side in order to focus on their new challenges and opportunities. The resulting disconnection can be unfortunate for everyone. You see, work is a long and wonderful game. As such, it is truly the enlightened professional who seeks to create and maintain what I call vertical leverage and horizontal leverage.
Vertical leverage refers to having solid relationships at all levels of an organization. In other words, as your career grows seek to maintain meaningful work relationships with those people who are above you, on the same level of responsibility as you, and those who report to you or are below your title. Horizontal leverage refers to maintaining great working relationships with everyone in the organization who is of the same title or job responsibility as you. Keep in mind that as your career grows, your horizontal peers will change. The combination of vertical and horizontal leverage will prove to be invaluable when you are attempting to drive change, problem-solve, or take on complicated initiatives. In addition, it will help to spur organizational morale. Also, it is just flat out the right thing to do! It is easy for upward-minded professionals to lose sight of past work relationships. Do not fall into this trap. Instead, be nice, stay in touch, manage by wandering around, and keep collaborative relationships strong. The results will help everyone’s career to grow and your organization to thrive.
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