Leaders: Find the Passion in Team Members
A leader recently confided to me that he was having a tough time motivating one of his team members. As we waxed philosophical on whether motivation can be externally provided or comes from within us, the topic of passion came up. It was agreed that if a leader can mobilize the passions that lay within a seemingly poor performer, they can help the team member to achieve great things in the workplace. The trouble is that most leaders only probe for elements that people are passionate about at work. Wrong. While many people are passionate about work, or parts of it, the key is to find out the one or two passions that truly move a person. As such, ask them this simple question: “What moves you?” I have heard answers that range from baking to playing with my kids to organizing my desk to motorbikes. Once we know about someone’s passion, we can truly know that person. We can talk their language by talking about their passion. And speaking someone’s language fluently and sincerely leads to one other important quality – trust!
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