Flu-Proof Your Business
Attention business owners and executives – flu season is just around the corner. Typically, this is a non-event. Sure, there will be more unexpected absences during flu season than normal, but that is to be expected. Most businesses are typically prepared for that. But this is not projected to be a normal flu season. Public health officials are predicting a brisk flu season, punctuated with a resurgence of the H1N1 (i.e., swine flu). Some health officials are projecting that as much as 50% of the United States population may be afflicted with swine flu this season. As such, now is a good time to strategically examine your business and brainstorm on some “what if” scenarios. What if your key producer comes down with H1N1 and is out sick for five weeks? What if a key leader in your organization is down for three weeks? What about losing your office workhorse for a month?
Am I a pessimist? No way! I am merely advising that there is strong statistical probability that your business will be impacted by something out of your control – yet inside your realm of preparedness. I like you, I want you to be prepared. Also, I want you to mitigate the potential disruption that flu-related absences may cause to your business. Luck favors the prepared. Be one of the lucky few this fall and winter. And while you are at it – take your vitamins!
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