Coaching for Results
By Doug Van Dyke, Leadership Simplified,
The more frequently you coach your team members, the greater the level of results that your team will experience. As results are realized, give positive reinforcement to the team members who are delivering the positive gains. This leadership action will accomplish three important outcomes:
- It will psychologically stroke team members who are driving positive results, positioning them to deliver even more positive results.
- It will help to solidify in your mind the process you led or techniques you wielded that enabled team members to succeed.
- It will be noticed by the team members who did not receive praise. And if they have the potential to be high performers, they will rise to the occasion and elevate their game in order to receive your future praise.
Coaching for results does not have to take a lot of time. It does, however, force you to be involved in and astute to your surroundings. It also calls for you to be intentional about delivering effective coaching. The results that are achieved from the coaching process will not disappoint you or your team members. The only party that gets hurt is the competition.
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