Leadership Simplified: Doug Van Dyke

Leadership Blog

Does Leadership Mean Sacrificing?

A while back Colin Powell wrote a nice piece about leadership. In it, he included a list of certain “rights” that leaders give up when they take on a leadership position. You may or may not agree with Powell’s list, but I believe a review of it from time-to-time is healthy.


Once you become a leader, you give up certain rights: 

  1. The right to lose your temper. 
  2. The right to be "one of the crowd." 
  3. The right to shut the door.  
  4. The right to bring problems to work. 
  5. The right to speak freely. 
  6. The right to be against change. 
  7. The right to pass the buck. 
  8. The right to get even. 
  9. The right to choose favorites.
  10. The right to think of yourself first.
  11. The right to ask a staff member to do something you would not do.
  12. The right to expect immediate reward for your work.
Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2010-07-27 at 06:40 AM
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