Leadership Simplified: Doug Van Dyke

Leadership Blog

Collaboration Between the NFL and the Players Association?

The short answer to the title of this narrative is: “naw.” It is shocking, almost mind-numbing to me, that the NFL and the Players Association have not penned agreeable terms that will allow for the continuance of American football. It appears that greed lies at the heart of this matter, but the communication between the two organizations has been appalling. The sound bites and media articles on the subject frame leadership (on both sides) that is focused on “wants” and “will not’s.” I do not hear anything about what they are willing to provide to their partner, nor any sincere expectations they have of each other and themselves. Now I am not attempting to oversimplify their situation. Certainly their negotiations are complicated. But when attempting to reach an accord, one must at least begin with some commonsense communication and collaboration methods

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2011-03-21 at 06:55 AM
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