Leadership Simplified: Doug Van Dyke

Leadership Blog

Quick Productivity Boost: Fitness and Stretching?

High performing professionals are always looking for a competitive edge. They read a ton of books and are voracious consumers of educational seminars (by the way, my current favorite book and seminar is Leadership Simplified). So what are some non-business activities that people can engage in that are actually possess the subtle bonus of helping business professionals perform better? Well, the answer lies with stretching and some cardiovascular exercise. That’s right, at a minimum stretch for 10 minutes each day. Yoga and Pilates also counts in the stretching category. If possible, get 12 – 15 minutes of cardio four times a week. From a business standpoint, do these things early in the morning. They help your lymphatic system and get tons of oxygen flowing to your brain. Make sure you drink lots of water as well. Our brain needs lots of oxygen and water to think optimally.

Okay, stop reading and start moving. Remember: stretching your body makes hitting those stretch goals much easier!

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2008-12-02 at 07:07 AM
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