Presentation Skills - How Leaders Become Better Speakers
There are a variety of ways to raise the bar regarding speaking excellence. Here are a smattering of tips for you to consider.
- Embrace the mantra of “Being Distinctive.” In other words, seek to raise your level of skill and preparedness so that you are clearly differentiated from other speakers.
- Be strategic when preparing for a speaking engagement:
- Make certain the room is setup to best fit with your presentation
- Request a wireless microphone
- Get out from behind a podium and use movement to connect with the entire audience
- For audiences of 50 or more, request a tombstone monitor that simultaneously shows your PowerPoint to you as well as the audience.
- Avoid using notes
- Acknowledge that our voice is an instrument and demonstrate masterful vocal variety!
Bottom Line: Leaders must possess the ability to move groups of people. A clear cut way to accomplish this is by upping the game regarding your ability to speak publicly. Embrace a positive mindset, practice like crazy, deliver meaningful content, and positively influence the minds and actions of your audience.
Until next time, be well.
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