Leadership at the Movies
Movies can provide entertainment, as well as welcomed escapism. They can also, on occasion, deliver a meaningful message. For you leaders who are faced with specific challenges, there are several movies to consider based on your area of need. Below are several topics of potential interest, along with movies that can open up discussion or provide resolve.
Optimism – Cold Comfort Farm (based on her strong will and unwavering sense of optimism, the protagonist turns a group of surly relatives into a happy bunch of functioning people striving for their passions).
Hope – Shawshank Redemption (a fantastic movie about one man’s ability to stay focused and sane when faced with extreme circumstances, while never losing his ability to pragmatically hope).
Tolerance – Pleasantville (the people in a “perfect” town are faced with changing circumstances, which calls for them to embrace the new and different).
Salesmanship – Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (Ferris shows how to blend wit, smarts, and likability into a potion that mesmerizes every type of prospect).
Possibilities & Perseverance - Slumdog Millionaire (the protagonist possesses the ability to engage positive possibilities. His situation is dire, yet he combines resources, experience, intuition, and positive vision to create palatable outcomes).
Grit – True Grit (just about any movie including The Duke is going to contain a fair amount of grit – my grandfather would be so proud).
Well there you have it. Share some of your favorites with me, and the message they hold for you and your team!
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