Leadership Simplified: Doug Van Dyke

Leadership Blog

Decisiveness – The Underrated Leadership Trait

The ability to make a decision and subsequently stick to your guns is a completely undervalued quality in the business world. Now, that is not to say that sometimes rethinking an issue, or acquiescing to a better idea is not valuable, but the bottom line is that good leaders make decisions. When a leader shows some level-headed decisiveness it: 

  1. Conveys strength.
  2. Shows conviction.
  3. Sets the expectation that when a decision is necessary, you (the leader) will make one.  
  4. Enhances decision “stickability.” In other words, once you have made a decision, people know it will stick.
  5. Provides direction. Even if the leader chooses the wrong direction, and we are all wrong sometimes, at least team members know what is going on and where they stand. This reduces the allure of the grapevine and often helps boost morale.

So take a step back and evaluate your decision-making. Could you be a little more decisive? Take the plunge. Typically, the benefits of decisiveness far outweigh the drawbacks.

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2010-04-03 at 10:39 AM
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