Leadership Simplified: Doug Van Dyke

Leadership Blog

Cultural Change Action Plan

A lot of change is going on out there. I certainly don’t need to tell you about that, do I? What you might be interested in though, is discussing just how leaders weave changes into their existing culture. That’s the trick. So, let’s touch on a foundational action plan that leaders can use to exact the kind of change they are looking for, with minimal disruptions to workflow.


First, determine what areas/items/behaviors/procedures you want to change. Use free thinking here and open everyone’s mind to what could be different. Second, designate a point person who owns each particular item to change. Third, project by what date the change will commence or be completed. Note: be specific on the due date (i.e., third quarter 2010 does not cut it). Fourth, measure the results.


Once the above stated steps have been completed, you can follow the same drill with one subtle difference: determine what areas you do not want to change. This action is critical, and where most leaders blow it. Often times, leaders are so busy changing things that they do not communicate what items and behaviors they want to stay the same. 


If you want help with leadership facilitation, a professional facilitator is a good way of moving change forward, thus allowing you to participate in the process as part of the team. If you prefer to lead the charge, go forth. And remember to focus on action. 

Posted by Doug Van Dyke on 2010-04-21 at 06:38 AM
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